Current research

Characterizing the Relationship Between the Binary Fraction and Metallicity in the Magellanic Clouds
Mentors: Michael Shara, David Zurek, Eve Armstrong
Collaborator: Jax Apollon
Project description forthcoming.

Three Pre-Main-Sequence Eclipsing Binaries in the Orion Nebula Cluster
Mentor: Lynne Hillenbrand
Project description forthcoming.

Measuring the IMF of Distant Elliptical Galaxies with Full Spectral Fitting
Mentors: Wendy Freedman, Ilaria Lonoce, Anja Feldmeier-Krause
Project description forthcoming.
Previous research

Simulating Magnetic Fields and Turbulence in the Interstellar Medium
Mentors: Jonathan Henshaw, Juan Soler
Project description forthcoming.

A Search for Age Spreads in Synthetic Hertzsprung-Russell Diagrams of Young and Forming Clusters
Mentors: Jonathan Tan, Joseph Armstrong, Juan Farias
Project description forthcoming.

Investigating the Radial Density Distribution in Galaxy Cluster Cores
Mentor: Yuanyuan Zhang
Project description forthcoming.

Automated Classification of a Mysterious Population of “Weak CN” Stars in the Andromeda Galaxy
Mentors: Raja GuhaThakurta, Rachel Raikar
Collaborator: Arya Maheshwari
Project description forthcoming.